Sunday, February 20, 2011


Kalas Lotta said...

I feel so bad for you!

You moved to a cold and small country because of HIS job, you don´t know the language and the swedes are not the easiest people during the winter.

And then he has an affair!

I hoped that you would be able to work it out but after this post it seems to be the opposite.

I am truly sorry for you even though I don´t know you at all. But I can only imagin how it must feel being so far away from home experience this sh...t!

Anonymous said...

totaly agreeing with Lotta! I feel so sorry for you.
i had a litlle hope there was a second chance for you guys! I'm sorry!

OhioGirl said...

Thank you so much both of you - your virtual support helps more than you know!! I'm tougher than I look - I don't know what's going to happen, but I'll make it through stronger whatever....