Monday, March 5, 2012

RealTales: Södermalm

What kind of ever loving hot mess was that? 

For ever and ever we have been BOMBARDED with PR about this incredible new web docu soap that is going to be amazing and innovative and unique and re write the rules of reality tv and whatnot and... some dinky famewhore in the ugliest boots I have ever seen in my life (seriously, I might not be able to get to sleep tonight after that disturbing sight) pranced around and got in a bitchfight over what I don't even know? Some dopey looking guy? Really ground breaking, we've never seen that before. 

Why cant we get docurealitywhatevers with some, I don't know, grown ups in them? I don't need to see some chicky who is about 12 and needs to eat a sandwich or eleven and grow a clue floating around like some pointless clothes horse who only comes to life when some dude looks at her. 

So yeah, I don't think I'll be watching again! Shame! Could have been good. Could have been something interesting. But instead, we got famewhore thy name is... whatever the heck her name was, I forget already.


Nicky said...

This was on in Sweden? What is it?

Anonymous said...

I liked it! Don't ask me why but it was fun! I'm going to watch again.

Shrl said...

You've no taste! Its going to be great - I would give it another go or you'll be missing out on something everyone is talking about!

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know why YOU would need to watch something shallow with drama over nothing where noone seem to be grown up. You're shure it wasn't about you?

OhioGirl said...

Please Shrl this will be dust in no time! Seriously, there are people that watch this you-know-what-that-you-step-in? Who exactly is going to talk about it? Tell me seven people in the whole world talking about this mess right now... bet you can't!

OhioGirl said...

@anonymous.... umm okay I guess you were insulting me? Saying I am as shallow as the show? Frida is that you? Whatever!

Anonymous said...

No, don't worry, I'm not someone you know, that was based solely on what you write here in your blog. And I'm sorry for sounding so unfreindly, I was in a bad mood.

But it's not neccessarily bad to be a drama queen, I'm still reading, because it IS interesting and fun! Just weird that you should put down a show on the same grounds sort of. But I haven't seen it myself so I'm not debating that fact in itself.

kalaslotta i USA said...

I cant watch it from the US or am I doing something wrong...the link you have take me to the homepage of the episode...

OhioGirl said...

Weird, it works for me? Maybe it's only in Sweden? Don't worry though, you're not exactly missing out...