Thursday, April 14, 2011

It's Thursday

Meeting with the ex today with lawyers and lawyers dialing in from the US.  Fun! Fun! Fun!  It's not even Friday.  Sorry for putting that song in your head, but misery loves company.
Am hearing a rumor my rockstar crush is a pr plant - I'm not one of those bloggers, sorry!  Seriously, what is with the world when people are so cynical?   Some things are real and regular... conspiracy theoryists chill the eff out!  I'm just a music fan!!!!

Kinda bored of him seeing as I haven't been able to find anything else out.

Erik will be here in a little while to chase me up some hills so better go get dressed!  The Swedes may be chilled with nakedness, but not sure they're ready for me jiggling and wobbling around the streets of Södermalm before they've had lunch...

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