Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Coolest 7-11 in the World!!

So why am I uploading a picture of a random 7-11 I hear you ask?  WELL!

When Dear Hubby announced that he got transferred over here and we were going to move to Stockholm, Sweden, the FIRST thing I did was read all those Dragon books so that I was prepared for life here.  I thought they were AMAZING and it made me even more excited to live in the world where they were set.

I got talking to one of our neighbours last night, and she told me that the 7-11 right near our apartment (which is super different to the 7-11s I am used to - no slushies!!) is the very one where the Lisbeth Salander character goes to all the time in the books!  I guess she didn’t get slushies either!!  So I felt kind of stupid taking a picture of 7-11 but it was so cool I had to share!

No I just have to hope that the Secret Police don’t have the place staked out and now they are after me!!!

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