Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The List

Seems like it could do with a little updating, no?  Well, now that I have been in Sweden over a year, I can tell you that the unrelenting beautifulness in all directions at all times does fade a little bit, because I guess you get used to anything.  After a while, it's like "oh, there's another eight foot tall viking sex god.  Now what am I going to have for dinner... "  No, I didn't think it would happen to me either, but there you have it.

So sometimes its good to sit back, take stock, and really appreciate the fine specimens of Swedish manhood that exist.

Also, this very special edition of The List, is brought to you by OhioGirl Watching Movies and TV in Swedish.  *Takes bow*  You don't need to understand Swedish in order to appreciate the view!!

So, from the movie En Gång i Phuket which I saw in a movie theater!  In Swedish! 

A cutie and funny!  I give you Peter Magnusson.

From a series I have gotten into the habit of watching on a Sunday night (it's on before Damages) and I have figured out is to do with robots but not much else...

Andreas Wilson, with a younger, Swedisher, Tom Cruise kind of vibe going on.

And finally, not that I have been watching anything Swedish of him, but it would be rude not to include an old faithful:

Don't worry sweetie!  I haven't forgotten my first Swedish love.  I may look at the others sometimes, but I am always thinking of you!!


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Hello! Very intersting blog! Thank You very much for visit!

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Very hot...there's really something about Sweden men...you're right!! :D

Andrea said...

i have to see stockholm one day..must be awesome!

Elle Sees said...

oh yes, mr eric!!!

Allison said...

I might need to get myself to Sweden - helloooo hotties! That would be worth me reading subtitles ;) Loving the blog!

monica said...

scandanavian boys are always very attractive

Magnus said...

OhioGirl, you have perhaps heard that you where in the RyanAir magazine? That's how I found your page and Swedes secretly love (at least me) to hear how strange we are from other nationalities :) (like the post on secret rules, removing shoes before entering homes is a classic)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm so excited I discovered this blog! Another American who moved to Stockholm for love here, excited to read more about your adventure!!